Tuesday, April 23

We need help with our Silent Auction...

Silent Auction needs your help and ideas!

Each year, our SPRING FLING’s "Silent Auction" raises a significant part of the entire fundraising amount. We are always keen to have new and exciting items to include, so please don't be shy!

Do you have any contacts?

If you know of businesses and/or professional services that may like to participate or if you have any other contacts you think should be represented at the Silent Auction, please let us know. Thank you!

If you’re not comfortable approaching them for donations, we can help! We'll either get you set up to do it yourself OR we'll do the asking for you—in a very polite and respectful way.  

We need Silent Auction Volunteers!

If you would like to volunteer to assist with the Silent Auction, either by helping to acquire items or by setting up on the day of the event (May 30), please do let us know as soon as possible. Thank you!

For more info or if you have any questions, contact Sara Getz at saragetz@telus.net

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