Volunteer opportunities

 Scroll down to see our Ongoing volunteer opportunities to support student activities at the Dickens main & annex schools …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

February 2024

Fruit & Veggie Program

In 2018, PAC volunteers began running the BC Fruit and Veg program, bringing in fresh fruit & veggies into the schools for kids to enjoy once a month. Volunteers receive 3-4 large boxes of fruit from the main entrance and bring them into the kitchen by the multipurpose room. All pieces are washed by hand, and placed in bowls for each division in the school. The volunteers then take the bowls and distribute them, much to the delight of happy kids. Current volunteers are offering to show new helpers the ropes. For more info https://bcaitc.ca/bc-school-fruit-vegetable-nutritional-program


  • Getting a Food Safe Certificate (school will cover the cost)

  • Coming in about once a month (delivery comes Monday and we have always distributed on Tuesday)

  • 2 volunteers to wash and distribute the fruit to classes (with 3rd volunteer can speed it up a bit)

  • can take about an hour and half depending on the fruit (we usually like to get it to classes by recess)

  • The next deliveries are: April 9 (cucumbers) , May 7 (cheese), or May 28 (apples).

Hot Lunch Coordinator

Time commitment is about 8 hours per month - which could be split between 2 people - with the bulk of duties at the beginning of each lunch ordering sessions (3) to set up the lunch dates, menu, and prices in Munchalunch and provide communication to the parent community.


  • Liaise with local vendors to scope and select vendor

  • Oversee day to day operations of the Hot Lunch Program, maintenance of the Munchalunch ordering platform, weekly food distribution reports, liaise with vendor on menu offerings and to address any order, food quality and/or delivery issues.

  • The coordinator is the lead contact and monitors email from the parent community to address concerns or suggestions related to the program. This position will also provide assistance with the Munchalunch ordering platform regarding account setup, ordering issues, cancellations etc.

  • Oversee weekly hot lunch delivery, handle any delivery day problems, pull aside lunches to be picked up by parents or to be given to another student due to absence, organize distribution volunteers (1-2 people) and distribute lunches to the student classrooms.

  • Liaise with PAC Treasurer for discrepancies on weekly vendor invoices and keep track/monitor fundraising funds.

Please contact Dickens.pac@gmail.com if you are interested

Spring Fling

The spring fling is our biggest fundraising event of the year and the success of the spring fling is contingent on support for our parent community. We have many volunteer opportunities that are currently vacant. 

Current Opportunities:

  • Tents Coordinator
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Silent Auction Coordinator
  • Photobooth Coordinator
  • Bake Sale
  • Popcorn and Cotton Candy
  • Music/stage/entertainment
  • Made it Table
  • Face Painting
  • Musical Desserts Dance Jam
  • Recycling/Garbage
  • Photography Lead

Please visit this link to read descriptions of the individual roles and put your name and email down if you want to take on a role.

For questions, please email dickens.spring.fling@gmail.com.

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